Data Science and Machine Learning in Catalysis Workshop

September 10, 2023 | 1 - 3:30pm

Eaton Hall Computer Lab 1014/1018

1520 W 15th St, Lawrence, KS 66045

University of Kansas - Lawrence, KS

Sign up during symposium registration by August 25, 2023

Review parking information below.

All skill levels welcome! This is a hands-on workshop.

Participants will learn:
• How to use Python and Jupyter Notebooks.
• Basic use of decision tree and random forest algorithms to analyze chemical data.
• Basics of artificial neural networks.
• How to implement both regression and classification algorithms and when to apply each model.

Refreshments provided after the workshop.

Workshop will be followed by Panel Discussion: 

Careers in Catalysis - Many Pathways 

Eaton Hall Spahr Classroom 4 - 5pm

Free Parking for Sunday

Participants are advised to park for free in the surface lot #54 on Sunday only. Here is a map. This lot is at 1351 Naismith Road Lawrence, KS 66045. It is across the street from the Allen Fieldhouse Garage, which is also available for a fee 24/7. Lot #54 is between 15th Street and Naismith Road and Eaton Hall is directly across 15th Street from this surface lot.